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Understanding Foreground and Background Colors

Understanding Foreground and Background Colors

The Foreground and Background colors, located near the bottom of the Tools panel. When you just want to add a solid color while working in Photoshop, you use either the foreground or the background color. The following steps show you the basics of filling a selection with either the foreground or the background color.(you have plenty of other Fill options as well)

Switch between colors

If you want to switch between foreground and background jut need to press “Xon your key board. Fast way to switch between the selected colors.

Color in any Shape

Golden rule: - always create any shape in new layer

Short cut key for fill color in any shape




Make the foreground and background colors Black & White

if you hit the “D” key it switches Black to the foreground color and White to the background color. (the “D” can be upper or lower case)

Understanding Foreground and Background Colors Understanding Foreground and Background Colors Reviewed by PhotoshopHelper on July 09, 2019 Rating: 5

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