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How To Add Your Own Custom Photoshop Brushes

How to add a custom Brush in Photoshop

There are many brushes in Photoshop by default in Brush Gallery. However if you don’t want to use them and you want to make your own brush, then you can. In this tutorial I will teach you how to add your own Brush.
Alright, let's get started.
Start your Photoshop
Open new document in Photoshop by pressing CTRL + N

Download your Image
Click on or any free picture download website to get a picture of which you want to make your brush.

Paste your Image
Make copy of that picture and go to Photoshop, then click CTRL + V to paste the image.

Set brush
Now click on “Edit” from the Menu bar and then go to “Define brush preset”. Then click on OK in that pop up window.

So we can see that our Brush is installed in our Brush Panel.

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How To Add Your Own Custom Photoshop Brushes How To Add Your Own Custom Photoshop Brushes Reviewed by PhotoshopHelper on August 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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